Exam & Cleaning

Exam & Cleaning

Visit us every 6 months to keep your smile healthy and to receive gentle and thorough cleaning and exam.

About The Service

Regular dental exams play an essential role in keeping your teeth and gums healthy, but millions of people in the U.S. never see a dentist from year to year. The dentist doesn't have to be scary! We're here to help you improve your dental health and avoid future problems so you can keep that beautiful smile!

Why Get A Dental Exam?

Routine dental exams can identify help issues before they become more complicated or expensive to fix. They can also stop a lot of potential problems before they ever start. Some dental conditions may not show symptoms, at least ones that would cause you obvious discomfort. Our expert staff can help identify and get you ahead of the curve,

What Happens During  A Dental Exam?

During a dental exam, the dentist will give your teeth, gums, and jaw a thorough, yet non invasive inspection. They may also prescribe xrays, just so they can get a full picture of your oral health. They will ask questions and provide recommendations, and at the end you get a teeth cleaning & polishing to keep that smile bright!

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